Ode to the Fruit Fly
It turns out that I have much in common with the fruit fly. You do too. You see, a fruit fly only has four chromosomes compared to humans 23, but those four represent 75% of human disease causing genes.

Sobering Thoughts
...so the next day I looked it up knowing that no doctor or drug company is going to say “go ahead and drink while using our drug.”

Old Folks Disease
I have tried to remain young-like in order to keep my YOPD status. It has been getting more difficult…

Do Not Say a Thing
April is Parkinson’s aware this month and this means educating the public about Parkinson’s. So for me, there are no dumb questions or comments you can ask or make. So here are my responses to the four things you should never say to someone with Parkinson’s.

Wet Shaking Man
I knew some kids in school who were dumb as boards. They passed tests by writing answers on the bottom of their shoes, or by copying off other students’ papers. Is that artificial intelligence?