Ode to the Fruit Fly
A couple of days ago, I participated in a wine tasting event. The featured winery is in Australia and their wines were delicious. Not only did I like the wine, so did the swarm of fruit flies that hovered around my wineglass. In fact I not only swatted a few away, but I actually squashed a few between my hands. This would be an act that I would later regret.
It turns out that I have much in common with the fruit fly. You do too. You see, a fruit fly only has four chromosomes compared to humans 23, but those four represent 75% of human disease causing genes. This includes Parkinson’s disease. Apparently, scientist can create genetic mutations in fruit flies that mimic Parkinson’s symptoms.
There are some amazing scientific research articles out there that describe the mutations that can cause Parkinson’s, the adverse effects of certain chemicals, and even some research in which they have reversed the Parkinson’s symptoms. As I sit and ponder it, I wonder if I am more like a fruit fly than it is like me. I cannot imagine a fruit fly at a doctors office doing the chicken dance, touching its nose, or stomping its feet. Even under a microscope. I can imagine myself hovering over a glass of good wine, though. Heck, I do it all the time.