Gorilla Baby Candy
I found myself laughing out loud at a sentence in an unrelated article: “Human birth control works on gorillas.” I have a few questions…

Ode to the Fruit Fly
It turns out that I have much in common with the fruit fly. You do too. You see, a fruit fly only has four chromosomes compared to humans 23, but those four represent 75% of human disease causing genes.

Devils and Unicorns
I remember when I first had this surgery one of my Instagram friends commented, “welcome to the devil horn club!“

Gluten-Free Parkinson’s
I recently purchased oats that I found out were not gluten-free. I pulled out one of the oats and looked at it, and thought, “you don’t look like you have gluten.”

Travel Light ( loosely based on a true story)
…the shirt is the least expensive item to wear on. It goes up in price exponentially when you get to pants and underwear, and do not even ask about a belt!

Expect the Unexpected
A friend told me today that he is scheduled to have deep brain stimulation for his Parkinson’s in March. We’ve been talking about it a lot since he found out I have had DBS. Today he asked me what I would tell him if I could just tell him one thing about the surgery…