Gorilla Baby Candy
Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg

Gorilla Baby Candy

I found myself laughing out loud at a sentence in an unrelated article: “Human birth control works on gorillas.” I have a few questions…

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Ode to the Fruit Fly
Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg

Ode to the Fruit Fly

It turns out that I have much in common with the fruit fly. You do too. You see, a fruit fly only has four chromosomes compared to humans 23, but those four represent 75% of human disease causing genes.

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Devils and Unicorns
Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg

Devils and Unicorns

I remember when I first had this surgery one of my Instagram friends commented, “welcome to the devil horn club!“

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Gluten-Free Parkinson’s
Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg

Gluten-Free Parkinson’s

I recently purchased oats that I found out were not gluten-free. I pulled out one of the oats and looked at it, and thought, “you don’t look like you have gluten.”

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Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg


Rock Steady Boxing takes up about five hours a week. And then there are the two Parkinson’s Support Groups I participate in which take up three hours per month. There is nothing else I have to do to save the world.

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Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg


“if this is so great, why was the last ‘study’ published in 2008?! Maybe because it does not work!”

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Expect the Unexpected
Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg

Expect the Unexpected

 A friend told me today that he is scheduled to have deep brain stimulation for his Parkinson’s in March. We’ve been talking about it a lot since he found out I have had DBS. Today he asked me what I would tell him if I could just tell him one thing about the surgery…

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90 Miles
Steven Steinberg Steven Steinberg

90 Miles

As for the new President, I accept no responsibility or who is or is not in office. Yes, I voted. No, I’m not going to tell you who I voted for.

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