Fish Out of Water
At the time my tremor was pretty well controlled with medications. The confounding factor was nervousness. At the slightest sense of nervousness my tiny tremor could become a seismic event.
A “Friend” Indeed
I was tolerating my depression, and hoping it would just go away. According to everything I read and experienced, though, Depression would always be the friend who comes and goes but never is far away. So I learned how to be friends with Depression, good friends.
Not Right in the Head
“I have read that as many as half of people with Parkinson’s carry a diagnosis of depression, and 30% think about suicide. I am one of those people.” How could this possibly be humorous? Well, like everything else here, it is and it isn’t!
Original Artwork © 2014 Steve Steinberg
Matters of the Heart
“You are too young to have Parkinson’s,” my new cardiologist said to me. He must have thought I was self diagnosed, had the caffeine shakes, or had an idiot for a neurologist. It was rude. I responded, “Tell that to my Parkinson’s.” Here’s what I wish I said…
Listen to Your Gut
Recent research has suggested that the gut has a role in the development of Parkinson’s. The only thing I have in my gut is the sinking feeling that my PD is here to stay…
Original artwork © 2022 Steve Steinberg
What’s Shaking, Man?
“After we talk about your runny nose and cough, I hope you are planning on telling me about that tremor.” By the time my doctor confronted my avoidance of the obvious I already knew I had Parkinson’s…