No One Cares
…the more I care, the less I appreciate others and will likely end up facing this disease alone.
It’s a slippery road from coincidence and conjured reasons to “what if’s” and “why’s.” Living with Parkinson’s, this is territory I prefer to avoid, repress or deny depending on my mood.
It’s October, and it’s time for Octoberfest. This is when Germans celebrate beer, wear lederhosen, and dance to Oompa music as they have for centuries. Let’s fact check those first two lines…
Three Thousand Dollars
The neighbors heard the sound and said, ‘You should get that checked.’ Now I am standing with the dealership service advisor. In my experience his job seems to be to never let me leave with a repair bill under $3000.
I was excited to see all the wonderful things it’s on the report about my brain. I expected phrases like “above average”, “larger than usual”, and “better than most.”
Untold Story
The possible effects from DBS range from balance issues, which I have, to death, which I do not have. I am very lucky.