I think my therapist is getting too big for her britches. I have mentioned her and spoken highly of her on this blog before. I don’t think she reads this, but I tell her whenever I write about her and I tell her what I write about her - all positive. Today she ended our session by giving me some homework, which she often does. The homework: write down three takeaway from today’s session that I can write about in my blog.
Over the 18 months I’ve been writing this blog I have maybe written about her three times total. And at least one of those was a general comment that therapy is a good thing. Not even specific to her, just therapy in general. Now she thinks her wisdom spits out three insights I can write about per visit? Today’s was a great session but I can only come up with two.
First there is my depression currently complicated by some grief. As I have shared here previously, my depression existed long before I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Depression is common in people with Parkinson’s, too. So what came first? It’s kind of a chicken or egg thing. Who knows where the depression came from, it’s just there. As we explored that question it became evident that I was still in grief over a friend’s passing earlier this year. It is hard to see where one ends and the other begins. She helped me see it. So there’s one juicy blog I could write.
We also talked about in my imposter syndrome, which stems from the fact that my symptoms are not as prevalent or severe as others who might read this and have Parkinson’s. Especially since my DBS. My therapist never lets me minimize my experience with Parkinson’s. It is a serious disease and anybody living with it has struggles of different degrees and magnitudes. She calls a turkey, a turkey, and I am a turkey. There’s a humbling blog I could write.
In between these two life lessons, I noticed a bluejay outside my window and mentioned it to her. She immediately went to the symbolism. Could this Bluejay be a message from my friend who passed? Did the color blue or a bird of some sort play a significant role in our friendship? No, I cannot think of any examples of this. Otherwise, I might have a third thing from the session to blog about. Instead, the lessons are the chicken or the egg, and a turkey is a turkey.
Sometimes a bluejay is just a bluejay.