My website and online persona is What’s Shaking Man, which is abbreviated WSM. My previous identity was working as a person with a masters of social work, or an MSW. I recently realized these two abbreviations are the same letters but backwards. I’m sure at least a few of you saw that and thought how clever. It would have been clever had I done it purposefully. I did not.
So what meaning should I take from this.? I don’t believe in coincidences. Nor do I believe everything happens for a reason. It’s a slippery road from coincidence and conjured reasons to “what if’s” and “why’s.” Living with Parkinson’s, this is territory I prefer to avoid, repress or deny depending on my mood.
It is not a coincidence I have PD. Just ask my grandmother and her niece who both had Parkinson’s. It did not happen for a reason. What reason could that be? So I could write this blog, and try to help some people cope? I was a Social Worker before, just ask me for help, and I will help! It is in my nature and my professional code of ethics.
“Why?” is a question that only detracts from what you really want to know. “Why do I have Parkinson’s?” is the loneliest question I can ask. And what I do if someone has the answer? Will I exercise more, learn as much as I can about it, and write a blog - like I already do? “Why?” might make me feel better but really doesn’t help.
“What if’s” are just depressing. What if I didn’t get Parkinson’s? I could still be working in a stressful job and worrying my way to an incredible pension. I would not have had electrodes placed in my brain. To be perfectly honest, I would not be such a source of worry for friends and family. See, depressing.
So stuff happens. I respond to it in my usual calm, cool, and collected manner…on the outside. I fret, worry and obsess over it in my head. In the end, I try to keep moving forward (WSM) rather than backwards (MSW).