The Young Ladies of Instagram
Apparently, I am really popular with the young ladies of Instagram. Every week I get one or two new followers with one thing in common with me: they have big boobs and skimpy outfits, and like to look at both of those things. I have some questions though:
@lilaemerald: how is it between the two days you posted pictures you went from a petite brunette with gray eyes and tattoos to a bosomy blonde with brown eyes and no visible tattoos?
@lau_ra0427: is it really a good idea to post pictures of yourself with your preschool age child in between photos of you in various exercise bras?
@uzuri33.h8p.60463: if I really “tap here“ on your Instagram reel will I really get to see your hooch? The last four women with the same hooch it turned out were just teasing me.
@amyevankate2: since you can afford three first names, I believe you when you say you want to share your family’s billions of dollars with me. Where do I sign up?
@jessicawells349: those eyeglasses really make you look smarter than in those other pictures and actually distract me from your boobs. Was that your intention?
Perhaps you know one of these young ladies and can get the answers for me. If you do know one of them, please buy her a bra, take her to the church of your liking and give her my phone number (not necessarily in that order).