Superstition Ain’t the Way
As a Virgo (logical, critical, practical), I have mocked superstitions and the people who base their behaviors on them. I recently read about a person who believed if he could go the entire season without saying his favorite team’s name then his team would win a championship.
Really, dude? One word from one person is the difference between winning and losing? Your team hasn’t won a championship in over 30 years. I think the problem is much larger than one fan saying their name. Low salaries, lack of talent, frequent coaching changes, and poor training facilities all seem more logical causes for your team losing. So get over yourself. The world does not revolve around you and does not need you to help it spin.
All that said, I have not put the dates of my DBS surgeries in my calendar or on social media/blog for fear of jinxing it and getting canceled. I have become what I mock. My behavior has been informed by superstitions. Right here, right now I will break from my irrational thinking and tell you that my surgeries will be March 17 and March 30. I am sure everything will go smoothly. Knock on wood.
The closest I will get to a championship! (circa 2018)