Double Double

OK. So my last post was not about Parkinson’s (See my last post here) It is about hamburgers and tires. Let's face it, if it weren't for burgers and tires Parkinson's treatment would be a lot harder and less fulfilling.

I drive about 50 miles one way to see my neurologist. With my DBS pre-assessment appointments, the DBS surgery and the follow up programming appointments I put a lot of miles on my tires and my tires would only be rated “animal style” or “grilled cheese” in my In N Out Tire guide (again, my last post)

Also these appointments take a lot out of me. First I am weighed and I have to confront my increasing belly size. Then I have to perform the chicken dance for my neurologist (see The Unified Parkinson's Disease Chicken Dance!) . Then I have to prove I can stand up, walk, and be pulled backwards without falling. Then we get to focus on what is wrong with me for 20 minutes. It's exhausting.

And by the time I get home I am tired, sleepy and hungry. That is when I stop and get a burger at In N Out. Not just any burger but for energy, wakefulness, and hunger-busting I get a double double (I still wish they had bacon). No fries. Why would I ruin the perfect burger? Maybe a Coke to wash it down but not necessary. My reward for the day at the neurology clinic is that double double and that is all I need. That, and a good set of tires!

Note: so that is it for my vacation to WPC and Europe blog stories. I will be spreading out my post s a little more. Maybe once a week, no less than every to weeks. Thank you for indulging me these past few weeks when I have posted twice a week. Otherwise, I really could have strung out my summer vacation well past Christmas. I would really be bored - you being bored is OK, but me… - and you would have missed my very special Labor Day post next week! So thanks for reading and fight on!


Labor on Labor Day


Fast Food Guide