Do Not Say a Thing

I recently read an article titled “Things You Should Never Say to Someone with Parkinson’s.” April is Parkinson’s awareness month and this means educating the public about Parkinson’s. So for me, there are no dumb questions or comments you can ask or make. So here are my responses to the four things you should never say to someone with Parkinson’s.

“You don’t look sick.”  Thank you, but I have the scars, motor fluctuations, tremors, and hospital bills to prove it. My neurologist and insurance company agree that I have it, and when those two are on the same page, it must be true. But thanks anyways for your effort to minimize my 10 years of struggle with a degenerative brain disease.

“Are you sure it’s not old age?” First of all, I am not old. Second of all, I am not old. if I were, I would repeat myself without knowing it. Sure, Parkinson’s is commonly believed to be an old person‘s disease, but just because I can’t remember your name doesn’t mean I’m getting old (yes it does).

“It is all in your head.” See, you know more about Parkinson’s than I thought you did.

“You are too young to have Parkinson’s.” As I have said before, tell that to my Parkinson’s. You would never say I am too old to have Parkinson’s would you? That would be like me saying you’re too smart to make that statement.

So I think I need to amend what I said at the beginning of this post. You can ask and say anything to me that you want about Parkinson’s, but be prepared for snide and sarcastic responses in direct proportion to the ignorance of your comment or question. I can only help you be as smart as your question or comment.


Old Folks Disease


Don’t Be a Journal