Wet Shaking Man
There seems to be a lingering question in the What’s Shaking Man community - do I use artificial intelligence in coming up with the witty blog I write? My answer to this question is the first clue that I do not use artificial intelligence: what is artificial intelligence? Really, I don’t know what it is. I mean, I have concept of what it is, but I do not have practical knowledge other than it is also called AI. Oh, and I understand that it has something to do with computers doing my homework for me. Well, I’m long out of school so a lot of good that’s going to do me.
Speaking of school, I knew some kids in school who were dumb as boards. They passed tests by writing answers on the bottom of their shoes, or by copying off other students’ papers. Is that artificial intelligence?
I have to say, my technology is already letting me down and causing me to lose confidence . It consistently autocorrects and mis-transcribes the name of my website and blog. If I am to believe my intelligent computer and my smartphone I am “wet shaking man.” Now, I have been accused of being “all wet,” but it is not something I would want to announce, brag about nor use as part of my on-line persona.
I shouldn’t be too defensive when people ask me if I use AI. My blogs are already artificially intelligent. I mean I pretend to know what I’m talking about, and all of my sources are from the Internet. What a combination. My mind and the Internet. One can’t remember where I put my keys and the other provides semi-reliable information on any topic. So we’re clear on which is which, I have one of those tiles on my keys so I can find them with my computer and I think I know everything.
As I transcribe this, I’m even losing faith that computers can generate anything that is considered, intelligent, even artificially. In that last paragraph it began the second sentence with “blondes are already artificially intelligent.” I am not one to buy into stereotypes, and I do not need a computer that perpetuates perceived lack of intelligence by any group. Hell, I know a lot of blondes, and none of them lose their keys as often as I do.